Not long after, a pair of curious astronauts stumbled upon the strange container and broke the seal that kept Rita's evil at bay. Rita had been sealed in her dumpster for nearly 10,000 years before it found its way back to the moon. which caused her endless trauma as she would live a love-filled life only for her own self to attack the planet she was on. Inside the dumpster, Rita was forced to live through the lives of her numerous victims. Conjuring up a space dumpster, Zordon sealed away Rita and her chief aides and servants and cast them into space. Before Zordon was gone, the wizard revealed he was prepared with his own fail safe. Meeting with Zordon, Rita revealed the depths of her treachery and trapped Zordon in a time warp.

Rita, seemingly admitting her failure, called for negotiations to be made between her camp and the warriors of Earth. A mighty wizard from Eltar, Zordon and Rita's servants and warriors had many confrontations the pair built up a lasting competition as they won and lost battles.

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TV STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2016 AnnualĮstablishing a Moon Palace on the planet's moon, Rita launched attacks against the world but her invasion was halted by the powerful sage called Zordon. He killed Silverback under orders from Zedd and was then assigned to Rita and her fledgling Evil Space Aliens. Goldar and his brother Silverback were already working for Lord Zedd as were their warrior race but he eventually turned against his brother when he planned to kill Zedd as he felt the arch-villain was wasting their time in simple invasions. COMIC STORY- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 5Īlthough Squatt and Baboo's origins are unknown, it is known that she didn't recruit Goldar. Disgusted, she vaporized him when he turned to head to the Breel castle and presumably start such an atrocity. They were victorious due to Montaur's tactics and sheer numbers of Putty Patrollers but the twisted Montaur desired to commit genocide to make more people afraid of her and Zedd. A little over ten thousand years ago, she was invading the Breel homeworld with another emissary of Zedd's named Montaur with Montaur as the field commander and Rita as the puppet mistress. Some years after this, she left Vile and joined up with the forces of Lord Zedd, acting as his commander whenever he was unable to oversee an invasion himself. Once freed, she and her minions reclaimed their headquarters and started a second campaign on Earth to defeat Zordon and take the planet for Lord Zedd. Imprisoned in a space dumpster by the sage, Rita was cast into space where she would float for ten thousand years before arcing back to the moon. Having conquered many worlds in the service of Lord Zedd, Rita was defeated by Zordon of Eltar during her failed invasion of Earth. During her reign of terror, she led a group of minions to conquer Earth, a planet populated by humans. Gaining renown for the destruction she wrought upon Regda 2, Sorcery 7 and Tarmac 3, Rita amassed a large army of monsters and Putty Patrollers to serve her. Crafting for herself a scepter through which to channel her evil, Rita joined the armies of the infamous Lord Zedd and proceeded to aid him in galactic conquest. COMIC STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2017 AnnualĪlong with her brother, Rito Revolto, Rita was raised to embrace the practices of evil and dabbled into the art of dark magic. Rita played on his desire to create "beautiful art" (AKA hideous abominations) and convinced him to join her as she could make them real and he happily accepted. Sometime between this and leaving Vile, she went to an unnamed planet and recruited a dog like creature named Finster who had just accidentally killed his wife Plepra and was worried over how the other natives would treat him when they found out. COMIC STORY- Power Rangers Unlimited: Edge of Darkness Vile then raised her in his psychopathic and cruel ways. However, Master Vile never stopped searching for his lost wife and daughter and, when he found them, sent the Tenga Warriors who re-captured the six year old Rita and mortally wounded Fienna. She went to Zordon for safety and gave birth to Rita in his accompaniment before trying to raise the baby. However, he kept his true nature a secret from her although she eventually discovered his true nature and fled when she was pregnant from Rita. Several ten of thousands of years ago, Rita's father Master Vile met with an ally of Zordon called Lady Fienna of Iutus and they fell in love before eventually getting married. Story instances for TV and other media will be clearly marked. History This article contains content in reference to the main TV series, as well as supplemental material, such as the comics.